House Of Cards

House Of Cards
Today’s post represents the second shoot with a most excellent new client, Make IT Bloom.
Today’s frame is Tomas Åberg, a warm and welcoming marketing director from Diners Club International.
The lobby of the fifth floor was our location, the receptionist was quite perplexed when I began re-arranging the furniture to clear patch of white wall for the background.

There was also a small tapestry kinda thing that I removed and neatly folded up to one side and this initiated a few giggles amongst the staff but’cha gotta do what’cha gotta do.
A simple twin speedlight set up was utilised, both units were at 1/8th power and triggered with Pocket Wizards, the key light was diffused with a wescott shoot through collapsible umbrella.
50 cm away from the wall the blue gelled back light was placed aided with the SB-800’s diffusion dome to allow a more gradated fall off.

It was a fairly rapid set up and strike out so regrettably the set up shot is absent, however, I do have the McNally-esque explanatory sketch to vaguely compensate.

The credit card texture was dropped in during post, here’s the original image opened in CS4.

I was emailed high res samples of the two credit cards which were used to create an alternating tile layer.

The tile layer was then warped using the lens correction filter.

A layer mask was then applied to mask off the unwanted areas over the subjects face and body.
The layer was then desaturated and the layer blend mode was switched to overlay, a slight gaussian blur was also applied and the opacity was dropped down to 70%

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